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Est. 2013
Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching
To enhance and enrich the leadership impact of college and university presidents through a one-on-one executive coaching relationship with a retired university president, Larry McKinney, for one or two-years.
- The coaching program will begin with an initial campus visit by Larry McKinney to meet with the president and other designated groups such as the president's cabinet, advancement or enrollment teams, board chair, etc. The primary purpose of the initial one or two-day visit is to provide contextualization for future conversations. This would include the current status of the institution (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), strategic planning initiatives, and desired outcomes from the mentoring relationship.
- Monthly phone meetings will take place and will include important issues, problems, ideas, and initiatives related to presidential and institutional effectiveness.
- The president may contact Larry McKinney for counsel at any time between the normal phone meetings to discuss important issues that may arise.
- There will be a final debriefing at the end of the coaching journey to review major areas of personal and professional growth and to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the coaching experience. This final meeting should be face-to-face and may coincide with a higher education conference to minimize costs.
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